Sunday, November 16, 2008

Children of God

We had an enjoyable Primary Program in church today. The theme of the program was "I am a Child of God".

I was walking around with Lily in the back most of the time, but what I did hear was really good. A large portion of the program was children saying why they know that God loves them.

The principle that we are children of a loving God is very simple, and yet implies so much that it can also be called complex. Today I add my witness to all of the Primary children of my ward. I know that God lives, that He loves me, and that I am His son. He is a real, caring, interested Father. He teaches me what will bring me the most joy. He sorrows when I choose not to obey. He allows me to struggle, not because He is a mean bully, but because it is only through struggling that I can progress.

He has provided a way that I may overcome my natural tendencies, escape the consequences of sin, and become more like Him. I know that Jesus the Christ lived, that He died to save us from sin, and that He lives today as a resurrected Being. He is my Savior. I worship Him. I pray to my Father in His name, for He is the only way that I can return to my heavenly home.

We live in a world where decency and goodness are belittled and even called evil. My voice stands with the children. God is good. We are His children. Let's be good.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...


Thanks for your testimony brother!