Sunday, November 9, 2008


Today we had all 10 little Sunbeams show up. I don't think it has ever happened this whole year and I was very grateful to have an assistant teacher with me. He is a great help as we try and teach these young 4-year-old's.

Our lesson was "We can be Reverent". How do you teach a 4-year-old to be reverent? We focused on how we act in church and why. The church building is the Lord's house, and while not as sacred as the temple, it is still sacred and special because we gather there to learn more about the gospel, to share our testimonies and fellowship with our brethren and sisters. No individual owns the church, we all pay tithes so that we can have a church building where we can meet.

Reverence is something that the children seem to know by this age. The children all know that being reverent can consist of folding their arms, bowing the head, speaking softly, and raising their hand when they have something to say in class. Putting our lesson into practice, we walked around the halls of the church in a reverent manner. They all did very well and we even helped some adults be more reverent as we walked past.

I hope they remember something of what we taught today, because as we headed back to primary for closing exercises, they ran down the hallway and seemed to quickly forget what we had just taught.

God bless the little children.

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